Prof Yang Wei

Advanced wearable technology

MTIF Fellow Prof. Yang Wei

Prof Yang Wei’s is an MTIF Fellow with expertise in Wearable Technology. His journey into research began with a childhood fascination for understanding the unknown. Model making fuelled his curiosity for materials and techniques. Encouraged by his dad, Yang honed his skills, paving the way for a degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Central Lancashire.

Choosing a master’s over a PhD, Yang became interested in electroluminescent lamps on textile, which in turn led him to research lighting technology. This project led to a funded PhD and subsequent work on functional materials in EU-funded projects like MICROFLEX and CREATIF, where Yang collaborated with world renowned experts such as Zaha Hadid.

Finding myself torn between industries, advice from his father, who already worked in the medical device sector, steered him toward applying wearable tech expertise to improve lives. This transition led to his current focus: wearable medical textiles for early detection, diagnosis, and treatment.

Prof Yang aims to enhance lives by creating less intrusive, durable, and high-performance wearable devices. An unexpected discovery during a DVT project unveiled its effectiveness in treating lymphedema, prompting deeper research. This pursuit earned Yang a significant EPSRC project, extending the technology’s potential impact.

However, challenges persist—integrating wearable devices into healthcare systems requires active involvement from providers. Looking ahead, Yang envisions smart clothing seamlessly integrating into daily wear, safeguarding and aiding when needed.

Prof Yang’s research essence lies in enabling invisible, non-invasive monitoring and treatment, empowering patients to manage their health and significantly elevate their quality of life.

See the full discussion from MTIF Fellow Professor Yang Wei via this link